Rants, Recipes and Ramblings

Ron Paul Supporters – What DUMBA**ES (Updated)

A few days ago a guy I get email from sent me some nonsense about how the “military” is supporting that LOSER Ron Paul.

I responded that I did not want to see anymore Ron Paul crap.  He came back that since I am from a “Military Family” had I watched the video links in his message?


Yes I am from a Military family and I was both an Air Force Cadet (went on exchange with the Israeli Air Force) and I worked as a covert contractor overseas for one of the three-lettered agencies.I can probably speak for ALL my Relatives – retired Army Officer, Retired Navy Officer, Retired Air Force Master Sergeant and my currently serving Cousin (leading an Interrogation unit in Iraq with the Army) and my Step Brother in the Air Force – concerning Ron Paul.  He is an IDIOT.  We have no time for someone that is a xenophobe, stick his head in the sand and wish the hob-goblins of the world would not bother us.  He and his ilk (Pat Buchanan, etc…) are MORONS.

I actually watched the Glen Beck show that they took those videos from.  I would say I would agree with Chuchill’s Grandson echoing his Grandpa rather than Ron Paul following the footsteps of Neville Chamberlain.  Was Horowitz a marxist.  Sure.  But Reagan was an FDR Democrat.  So what’s your point?  Churchill said that if as a young man you are not liberal then you have no heart but if you aren’t conservative when you get older then you have no brain.

Can you explain WHY Ron Paul picked Guy Fawkes day?  He chose it and he made the comparison.  He has to take the bad image with the good. Guy Fawkes by any measure was a terrorist.  And of course the real irony is that Guy Fawkes day celebrates the fact that Guy Fawkes failed.  Ron Paul will fail too.  Even if he somehow managed to win a single primary (he won’t) he would go down as the biggest loser in an historical landslide election that would make Jimmy Carter look positively popular by comparison.

Can you show me one REAL poll where Paul is in the top five of the candidates?  I mean a REAL poll not some nonsense self-selecting on-line poll.  You can’t because there is NO poll that shows anything like that.  Ron Paul is at less then 2% ANYWHERE. And PLEASE don’t cry “it’s a conspiracy”.  That would just make you look like a complete loon.

Of course the real JOKE about that piece of crap email that you sent was the absurd claim that the “Military” supports Ron Paul. The dollar amount “credited” the military that has gone to Paul accounts for less than 1% of the money he has raised.


He then forwarded my reply onto to what must be like-minded (meaning without a brain) Ron Paul supporters.  One of those mental midgets attacked me with…  


You tell that piece of shit that wrote that about Ron Paul that he is really full of it … he doesn’t even realize that Guy Fawkes won … what a dumb sonofabitch … liberals have a heart, but no brain … and even less common sense … and I’m an ex military man … my son is a military man … wow …!!!


So I replied to him with…


In what warped parallel reality do you exist that can see Guy Fawkes as victorious?

Does getting caught down in the basement of Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder that you want to use to blow up the members of government constitute victory?  Maybe being hung, drawn and quartered is victory.  Or maybe being honored to have your effigy burned on Bonfire Night by the population of the UK for the next 400 years is your definition of victory.  Great.  Must be how all fanatical LOSERS want to be remembered.  Maybe in the decades to come Ron Paul and his KKK and Black Helicopter conspiracy fanatic followers can celebrate his candidacy by throwing their wallets on the Bonfire too.

Strange how googling “Bonfire Vanities Ron Paul” gives you its first llink that takes you to this blog.


Here is a picture of Guy Fawkes doing his “victory” dance.  What an interesting jig.  I wonder if like the twist there is a song to go with it besides the creaking of the gallows.


Get a life and return to reality dumbass.


The mental midget responded back to me with


And you can go with him you shithead …
Yes, the USA is in trouble and not one of those candidates except Ron Paul believes in following our constitution … you are either young or stupid and probably both …
Anybody that dumb enough to be a demo-turd … gets blocked from my email forever …
Happy Thanksgiving … bye bye …


So I let him have it…


That is funny.  Do you write your own material or steal it from the kids in the playground?  Your barely literate writing makes me think I’m picking on someone who is mentally unarmed.  I’ll answer you below and I’ll try to type s-l-o-w so you can keep up.

John, Your dead from the neck-up “friend” thinks I must be a “dumb-o-crat”.  Not hardly.  The friends that I have that are Democrats would howl with laughter at that assertion.

Do I think the US is in trouble?  Sure.  Is Ron Paul the answer to the question?  Only if you want Hillary/Barak/Edwards to be calling the shots for the next eight years.

Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same shit over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

Let’s see what MORONS like you gave us last time this shit was tried.  Remember the “Hand gernade with a bad haircut” otherwise known as Ross Perot?  See any parallel with him and Ron Paul beside the fact they can wear each others shirts without changing the monogram?  MORONS like you strip away enough votes for the first George Bush to give us Bill Clinton which may begat Hillary if you have your way again.  Or going further back we had John Anderson siphoning off votes from Ford and giving us Carter.

Seems like insanity to me.

Was the first George Bush the best we could hope for?  Nope.  Was the second George Bush the best we could hope for?  Nope.  Are Rudy/Mitt/Fred/Huckabee/McCain the best we can hope for?  Nope.  Are they better then the alternative of a Hillary/Barak/Edwards Presidency?  Damn straight.

Unlike you I believe and understand the Constitution.  Do I think that we are not fully following it?  Yep.  However the President does not rule by fiat because we live in a Democratic Republic.  That means we have to play with others and negotiate with them to get anything done.  Think Congress would give Ron Paul the time of day?  Nope.  If he were to go third party and somehow pull off an upset do you think the Democrats and Republicans controlling Congress would pass legislation he wants?  Nope.  Think they would override any of his vetos just for the sport of it?  Yep.  He would be a lame duck before he even took the oath of office.  Think the entrenched bureaucrats that any president has to deal with would do anything he wanted?  Not hardly.

As for my age.  I am neither old nor young.  I’m right at “middle-age” and obviously unlike you I am not senile.

For the record I’m not sure who I would support if the vote were held today.  But I can assure you that come next November the only way Ron Paul will be on the ballot is if he is running as an Independent or a Loser-tarian.  While either Rudy/Mitt/Fred/Huckabee/McCain each have problems I would pull the voting lever for either of them before voting for Hillary/Barak/Edwards and would not sit out the vote in some kind of voting temper tantrum because with the electorate split as evenly as it is not voting is the same as voting for the other side.

Get a clue.

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