Rants, Recipes and Ramblings

Ron Paul is the Magicians Right Hand (Updated)

In response to emails on the post below someone wote to me the following (see the block quotes).


Haaa!! We know who the real terrorists are don’t we? And it’s not the Ron Paul supporters!

I encourage everyone to get involved in their city, county and state governments…run for office…run for sheriff and deputize like minds. That is the only way we will ever see freedom in this country. Homeland security starts at home! Notice how the “other” side refers to Guy Faulks as a terrorist, that is because the word “patriot” is NOT in their vocabulary, why? Because “they” are the terrorists. They are labeling patriotic American citizens as terrorists and dissidents. Fox news had a guest on a while ago, and the guy said that all “dissidents” (Patriotic American Citizens) should be tased and beaten to a pulp! Now, if someone from our camp were to say that privately or publicly, the whole lot of us would be jailed as terrorists and probably tortured and held without trial.


 I did not say that all Ron Paul supporters are terrorist.  I merely pointed out that “terrorist” organizations (KKK, White Power, etc…) and their members do support Ron Paul. For the most part the rest of the Ron Paul supporters are indeed the self deluded “sheeple” that you speak of.  Their support for a marginal candidate forces them to the margins where they are ignored (rightly so).

I am still waiting on a single Ron Paul acolyte to explain to me how and why Ron Paul choose to align himself and his campaign with Guy Fawkes?  Also what they mean by the “other side”.  Winners write the history books.  Guy Fawkes lost.  He is defined as a terrorist.  If he had succeeded in his quest to blow up Parliament, the King and replace Protestant Rule of England with rule by the Pope then he would have been a Papal Patriot.  Wonder how David Duke and the other White Power folks reconcile their support for Ron Paul with the Paulistas championing of an executed Papists terrorist.  Maybe birds of a feather…

You also assume that terrorist and patriot are either mutually inclusive or mutually exclusive.  The aren’t.  Can a terrorist be a patriot?  Sure (see someone like Menachem Begin – Israeli Prime Minster in later life and head of the Irgun in early life).  But are all terrorist patriots?  Of course not.  If they were that would make Ted Kazinski (the Unabomber) a patriot instead of a disturbed criminal.

That’s not to say that Ron Paul supporters are now to be considered either Terrorist, Patriots or Criminals.  That could instead for the most part be described just as you did as being Sheeple.  Disturbed Sheeple but sheeple nonetheless.  They are following the Cult of Ron.  Their mentality kinda reminds me of the incongruity evidenced by the kids that dress in Goth type clothing so as to not look like everyone else when in fact they are looking like everyone that the hang out with.  Just more sheeple following a fad.


Americans had better wake up! I am very worried about the time, effort and faith they are putting into Ron Paul as much as I love Ron Paul. The people are falling back into the ‘sheeple’ syndrome and have a messiah complex as they are idolizing Ron Paul like a god.

They are missing important issues that are going on around them and putting all their focus on Ron Paul. We are losing are 2nd amendment rights and S. 1959 is looming at our door, also known as the thought crime bill.

At the pace we are going, we will be under communist rule BEFORE the 2008 election. Once we lose our freedom, it is nearly impossible to get it back. The wolves are at the door, chewing through it and nobody is listening . . . they are all watching Ron Paul and that is exactly what the opposition wants! The ‘sheeple’ are playing right into their hands.


I loved your observation that Ron Paul is like the magicians right hand “they are all watching Ron Paul and that is exactly what the opposition wants!”.  You get enough people that should be thinking in their “Right-mind” to focus so much on Ron Paul that they don’t see the trick being played on them with the left hand until it is too late.


There will never be any hope for freedom until the citizens of the U.S. start taking responsibility for their freedoms and stop putting all their faith in politicians no matter how good the politicians are. They are putting all their eggs in one basket with Ron Paul and we must look at history, no president that has ever been “for” the people has lasted, all died or were assassinated, and history does have a way of repeating itself.

Americans are placing all their money on Ron Paul and that is riskier than placing a bet on a lame horse at the race track, realistically speaking. One person cannot change this country, there is too much corruption world wide and the odds are not stacked in Ron Paul’s favor. All I can say, is the citizens need to realize what power they have and rally together and support one another. They need to form meet up groups for themselves like they do for Ron Paul . . . if they don’t, there truly will be no hope and communism will rule…..we are just a few months away from communist rule as it is….WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!! TAKE YOUR POWER BACK NOW!!

People of all stripes are susceptible to a “Cult of Personality”.  Ron Paul just so happens to be the flavor of the month for certain group of extremely gullible people.  That’s sad.


I did not have the information on the KKK, white power, blah blah blah…the last thing we need in this country is more racism and I certainly don’t condone that. I will not support a presidential candidate that is racist either and we seem to be dwindling down to the nitty gritty on candidates. Clinton, Obama, Juliani leave a bad taste in my mouth….not presidential material, not the kind I’m looking for…it would be a toss up between Kucinich and Gravel right now for me.
The whole Guy Faulk thing, was about resisting the “crown” the parliment….which has deep roots in our political system and other systems world wide…it isn’t so much about guy faulk as it is going up against the parliment, Faulk is not seen as a terrorist, but a hero, as the parliment (crown) is seen as the master mind behind all the evil and we are the endentured servants.
There does seem to be a mass brain washing of Ron Paul supporters, so much so, I wonder if it is not all by design….one who is not brain washed can “see” it.
What has become of america? is there any hope left at all?
There is always hope.  I only see the glass half full, never half empty.  That would be to depressing of a mindset to live with.  That’s not to say I’m a rose colored optimist either.

We need a lot less intolerance on both sides.  My cross to bear is trying to be tolerant of bigots and morons.  But as they say “Acceptance is the first step…”

I personally could no more vote for Kucinich than the man on the moon (didn’t Dennis see him at Shirley’s house? hehe…).  Same with Gravel.  But then I’m not on that side of the political divide.

All the candidates on both sides of the aisle leave something to be desired.  But then name me one person currently living on the face of the earth that knows all things and has never made a mistake.  Every election in the US since George Washington won unanimously has been an exercise in compromise.

The Republican Candidate will be either Rudy or Mitt.  Huckabee is a stalking horse for Rudy and he like Richardson on the left are merely auditioning (Huck for Rudy and Richardson for Hillary).  Fred and McCain have no chance.  Then looking to the General Electionon this side of the aisle Rudy has more issues with the social conservatives then Mitt does and Mitt has problems being a Mormon.

On your side (?) of the aisle it will either be Hillary or Obama.  A vote for Dennis is a vote for Hillary since it takes an anti-Hillary vote away from Obama.  The rest of the midget field of Dems is just like the rest of the midgets on the right.  They have no chance.  Looking to the General Election I don’t think either can win.  Hillary was for/against/for/may/yes/against drivers license for illegal aliens.  Obama is firmly on record after the last debate as being for drivers licenses for illegals.  Despite what th New York Times wants to believe the VAST MAJORITY of the electorate (the only people that matter – those that actually vote) are against that.  That an other Immigration issues wil be the anchor around their neck to say nothing of the huge negatives that Hillary is burdened with.

Iraq is off the table as an issue (despite what Harry and Nancy are trying).  The last go around in the House to restrict Military funding is going to stop pretty quick because all those freshman Congress Critters that ran last time in conservative districts and won will have to stand for election again.  That is going to be weighing on their mind and I said as much on my blog on Election Night last time.

It will be interesting to watch it play out but I will predict that a Dem will not be taking the oath of office come January 2009.

As to Guy Fawkes.  They still don’t get it.  He was not resisting the Crown.  He was resisting the Protestants in favor of the Catholics.  I understand about wanting to “stick it to the man” but that was not Guy’s goal.  He wanted to replace “the Man” with a different “Man”.  So anyone that views him as a hero is deluded.  The English certainly don’t view him as a hero.  Imagine if he had succeeded?  The blood bath between Catholics and Protestants would have made the “Troubles” in Ireland seem tame.

There are a LOT better tilting at windmills “heros” they could have chosen rather than Guy Fawkes.

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