Rants, Recipes and Ramblings

Another frightened Ron Paul supporter

Had another Ron Paul supporter (this one a former State Representative here in AZ challenge me about Ron Paul.  She too tucked her tail and ran.


THE woman who is speaking has breast cancer that has invaded the bone   so she has little to loose in telling the truth. 

She was & is a journalist and covered the UN for some time.  She is a real person I have emailed her.
here is another one that will be enlightening.
 There is a third so you will be well rounded after you watch them all Naomi Wolf is her name if you want it I will try to send it to you.  Good luck on your journey for what you feel is the truth.


I responded with


Joan Veon is interesting and I have seen her writings on WorldnetDaily from time to time – although I admit to not reading all or even most of her stuff.  I have a problem with people that espouse the Global Conspiracy mantra.  Do I think that “some” of the things the conspiracy theorist talk about is happening.  Sure.  But is it due to a group getting together in a smoke filled blackened room somewhere.  Setting an Agenda and then sending out the word to their minons in the press and elsewhere?  No.  I subscribe to Occam’s Razor: “All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.”  In this context I think most people are just to lazy to read and understand what is going on – that includes the people in the press who are just like everyone else.

A good friend of mine (and with whom I rarely agree with him on anything besides the time of day) is a former AP Reporter of the Year, was heard for years on both KTAR and then KFYI is now working for Janet Napolitano.  I have worked as a reporter/editor for Newspapers and Magazines.  While for the most part they are indeed guilty of group think it seems to b more out of laziness and a desire to get along then anything else.  That’s not to say there are not “true believers” but in their belief is a desire to make the world as they see it and want it to be.

How is that any different from what “Tiger” wants?  Is he taking his marching orders from some other cabal?  Of course not.  He wants to believe what he wants to believe.  Same with the other side.  As long as neither is willing to listen and learn what the other side wants then we continue to be at impass.

Come to think of it Bart still owes me a steak dinner on the outcome of the Bush/Kerry election.  Thanks for the email else I would not have remembered that I need to pester Bart to pay up

There is a third so you will be well rounded after you watch them all Naomi Wolf is her name if you want it I will try to send it to you.  Good luck on your journey for what you feel is the truth.

I’m familiar with Naomi Wolf (Al Gore’s clothing consultant, wife of Bill Clinton’s speechwriter and author of provably false assertions.  See her book The Beauty Myth.  She is very smart but decidedly disengenous in what she says and writes.  I have seen her interviewed about her new book.  Do you think her desire to return Hillary to the White House just “might” have something to do with her topic?

I would no more read and believe what she has to say about the Bush Administration then I would what Sean Hannity has to say about Bill Clinton.  They both hacks and have political axes to grind.


This chicken-shit former State Rep responded back – not to me directly but through a third party with. Her words in Blue and red


YOU can’t win them all.  He earns his Living in with the War effort.

Who earns their living with the War Effort?  Me?  Not hardly.  Like I alluded to Tiger when he accused me of “hiding” I said I did not use an anonymous email address.  It’s dave@microworks.net.  Visit microworks.net and you will see that it is a computer networking company located in Mesa which I started in February of 1994.  John can attest to this as I have worked on his computer in his home and his neighbor is a friend of mine that has been to my home quite a few times.

I would ask him why has our own govn’t failed to protect and close our own borders if we are supposedly fighting a war on terror.

Do you not think that there are Terrorist?As to why the government has not “closed” the border.  That’s easy.  The President is not a King.  Bush may or may not want to erect the fence (I want the fence built — ALL OF IT) but even if he did or didn’t he does not have final or even full say on the matter.Congress also get’s a say and so do the Courts through the lawsuit process.  Remember that pesky thing called the Constitution?   The Founding Fathers obviously thought that Congress mattered because they created it under Article 1.  The Presidency was not addressed until Article 2 and then finally the Courts in Article 3.  They each have a roll to play.  Remember Civics and the lessons on Checks and Balances?  I do.  Sometimes I think Ron Paul supporters forget that little part of how our government works.

Also Remember, Ron Paul voted AGAINST the use of the Military to assist in closing the Border.  HR 2586

Record of Voting: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2001/roll356.xml

In Favor: 191 Republicans, 50 Democrats and 1 Independent.  Agaisnt: 25 Republicans, 147 Democrats and 1 Independent.http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d107:H.R.2586:H.R.2586
Title: To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2002 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.
Bob Stump of Arizona was the Sponsor.

Part of the Legislation:
Title XV: Activities To Combat TerrorismSubtitle A: Increased Funding To Combat Terrorism – Increases by $400 million the defense-wide O&M funds authorized by this Act, to be used for intelligence programs, anti-terrorism initiatives, counter-terrorism initiatives, and consequence management activities. Provides offsetting reductions.Subtitle B: Policy Matters Relating To Combating Terrorism – Directs the Secretary to: (1) assess DOD’s ability to provide support for the consequence management activities of other Federal, State, and local agencies, directly taking into account the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the changed situation regarding terrorism; and (2) recommend to the President and Congress ways to enhance DOD’s ability to provide such support.

(Sec. 1512) Requires the Secretary to report to Congress on DOD’s ability to protect the United States from airborne threats, including those originating from within U.S. borders.

(Sec. 1513) Amends the National Security Act of 1947 to include combating terrorism as a national security mission.(Sec. 1514) Requires the Secretary to seek an agreement with the Directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Emergency Management Agency that clarifies the roles of Department of Defense Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams with respect to coordination of roles and missions in support of crisis management and consequence management efforts

I also have a video for you and him to watch.  It is 1.5 hours long.  I bet he will not watch it.  Afraid of what he might learn.  He might be good at taking orders but not thinking on his own? 

HAHA  That is funny.  Who do I take orders from?  My wife would laugh at that.  I don’t take orders from anyone.  That’s why I left BankOne and started my own company.For your information I started to watch it and I replied to you extensivly about my feelings on the topic.

Here is another also about 1 hour long, with Naomi Wolf a Jewish woman & mother I believe.

What does her Religion have to do with anything?  Joe Lieberman is an observant Jew too?  Think he would agree with her on her current cause de jure ?  Heck no.  No more so than Orrin Hatch and Harry Reid would agree on a good Supreme Court Justice.Naomi Wolf might as well be a Democrat Party politic operative.  She was Al Gore’s Women’s Issue advisor in the 2000 Campaign and her Husband was Bill Clinton’s speechwriter.Read some of the writings by her own hand.



Also, I do not think it was RP who picked Nov 5th Guy Folkes day some of his grass roots supporters did that. 

Again with the Guy Fawkes nonsense.  Yes Ron Paul supporters put it together.  Yes Guy Fawkes was a treasonous terrorist.  Yes there are far far better “stick it to the man” anti-heros they could have chosen.  It’s just that there must not have been one that fit the month they wanted to do a fund raising exercise with.  Who cares what the “guy” really stood for.  The sheeple would never bother to know or find out.  They will believe what we tell them to beleive.

I would remind him that Stephen was stoned to death.  It is in the book of Acts.  I do not think Stephen was wrong.  Just the old saying, “what is popular is not always right & what is right is not always popular.” 

Yes he was and yes it is recorded in Acts. 7:59 to be specific  Have read it a few times.  What does this have to do with Ron Paul.  Has the Cult of Personalty really reached the zenith that you are now equating politician Ron Paul with St. Stephen who was martyed for his testimony?
Slavery was not right and it was around for a long time fighting it was not always popular either.  Tell him to rent the movie “Amazing Grace” this weekend.
Are you saying that I’m in favor of Slavery?  Or are you trying to imply that Ron Paul is the lone voice in the wilderness crying out and that he is the only one that can lead us to salvation?Both are absurd.Of course Slavery is wrong but remember it was a Constitutional Branch of Government (The Supreme Court) that ruled in Dred Scott.  I use that example all the time to shoot down people that want to say that Roe is settled law and should not be overturned.  No law is “settled”.

To use your attempted analogy Ron Paul is (or at least his supporters are) more like John Brown than he is William Wilberforce.


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