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Lemonade BigOven - Save recipe or add to grocery list Yum
Course Beverage
Course Beverage
  1. Make a simple syrup by combining 2 C of Water with 2 C Sugar in a pan and heating it over medium until the sugar is dissolved. While the mixture is heating add the Lemon Zest.
  2. You can also add things like Mint leaves
  3. and Strawberries, etc… to the syrup as it heats and steeps to infuse those flavors
  4. Once the sugar has dissolved remove the syrup from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes. If adding additional items like Mint, Strawberries, etc… Allow the syrup to steep for about 30 minutes
  5. Pour the syrup through a strainer (to remove the Lemon Zest, Mint leaves, Strawberries, etc…) into the pitcher containing the remaining 4 C of water and the 2 C of Lemon Juice. Mix well, chill and enjoy
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